The Acronym Song

The Acronym SongOn this song I created a whole new persona and his name is Wysiwyg pronouced Wizee Wig. Anyhow Wysiwyg, aka Charles Lynch, is quite a character and tends to stir things up a little beyond most peoples comfort zone. In this song Wizee, for short, raps about Sex and Drugs in a uniquely acronymonic rant. Listen closely and virtually every line of the song has an acronym or in some cases a short word squeezed into an acronym. Wysywyg deduces that he squeeze way more into a song than most of his competitors with his efficent use of lyrical acronyms. We used Cakewalk Sonar Music Production and found the bass and drum parts in the available patches. Next I had a good friend of mine name, Derryl Licks, who did the lead guitar sections on this piece. He didn't really know what he was doing but through the magic of cut and paste we came up with some pretty funky guitar parts that may be irreproducable.

Click here to buy the song on iTunes.


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